Jalv 1.6.0 has been released. Jalv is a simple but fully featured LV2 host for Jack which exposes plugin ports to Jack, essentially making any LV2 plugin function as a Jack application. For more information, see http://drobilla.net/software/jalv.
- Add PortAudio backend (compile time option, audio only)
- Add Qt5 version
- Add command prompt to console version for changing controls
- Add generic Qt control UI from Amadeus Folego
- Add option to print plugin trace messages
- Allow Jack client name to be set from command line (thanks Adam Avramov)
- Exit GUI versions on interrupt
- Exit on Jack shutdown (patch from Robin Gareus)
- Fix memory error on preset save resulting in odd bundle names
- Fix semaphore correctness issues
- Fix unreliable UI state initialization (patch from Hanspeter Portner)
- Improve preset support
- Print colorful log if output is a terminal
- Report Jack latency (patch from Robin Gareus)
- Set Jack port order metadata
- Support CV ports if Jack metadata is enabled (patch from Hanspeter Portner)
- Support numeric and string plugin properties (event-based control)
- Support thread-safe state restoration
- Update UI when internal plugin state is changed during preset load
- Use moc-qt4 if present for systems with multiple Qt versions