Main Branches Renamed

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As most git users are aware, the default branch name in git changed from master to main a while ago. Since I maintain projects created both before and after this change, some maintenance tasks have become more difficult to automate as a result (and I'm a sucker for consistency).

I put off dealing with this because I was planning to make master branches disappear at the same time APIs are broken, but that wasn't a good idea for several reasons beyond the scope of this post. So, I've changed all of my personal projects, and all projects maintained under the LV2 umbrella, to use main.

If you're tracking any of those repositories, maintain packaging infrastructure, or similar, please update your local trees and/or configuration accordingly. It's best to rename the local branch with git, since this preserves your local reftree and avoids accidental use of the old name:

git branch -m master main