Serd 0.32.0
Posted on in Software, RDF, SerdSerd 0.32.0 has been released. Serd is a lightweight C library for working with RDF data.
- Add Windows path separator support to serd_node_new_file_uri()
- Add long "help" and "version" options to serdi
- Add options to disable html or singlehtml documentation
- Add serd_reader_skip_until_byte() to public API
- Allow SERD_API to be defined by the user
- Avoid creating test files in the current directory
- Avoid using ASCII grave as a quote
- Check for POSIX features with the build system
- Clean up and improve test suite
- Clean up code
- Fix crash when trying to read chunks without starting
- Fix hang when skipping an error at EOF when lax parsing
- Fix incorrect parsing of strange quote escape patterns
- Fix possible hang when writing nested Turtle lists
- Fix potential memory leaks when a write is aborted
- Fix relative URI creation
- Gracefully handle bad characters in Turtle blank node syntax
- Gracefully handle bad characters in Turtle datatype syntax
- Improve TriG pretty-printing and remove trailing newlines
- Improve pretty-printing of lists and inline subjects
- Improve serdi man page
- Improve writer error handling
- Make URI writing stricter by default
- Make serd_reader_read_chunk() work with NQuads
- Override pkg-config dependency within meson
- Remove junk files from documentation install
- Remove support for writing Turtle named inline nodes extension
- Replace duplicated dox_to_sphinx script with sphinxygen dependency
- Test header for warnings more strictly
- Update standard test suites