C++ Bindings

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For some C libraries, I'd like to include "official" C++ bindings to make life easier for people using them from C++ (which in the audio world, is most). However, that's not something I know a good pattern for, in terms of project organization, installation, versioning, and so on. Figuring one out is a trickier problem than it may seem at first.

In the - in this case literally - "C and C++" world, there is a notorious lack of consistent conventions and best practices in some areas, and this seems to be one of them. So, I suppose I will have to suss out the "best" (and least weird) way myself. The "best" way should:

Poking around repositories and tinkering a little bit, the best practices I can come up with (for the sort of libraries I'm thinking about anyway), is:

The short, vibes-based description of all that is something like: there is a stable and strictly versioned C library with every effort put into long-term source and binary compatibility, as always... and then there's a C++ bindings sub-project that tags along with it but is otherwise independent. The bindings are more volatile, but it's C++, so they're going to be volatile no matter what you do anyway. The bindings project is universally named by tacking a -cpp or _cpp on the end as appropriate in every context: include directories, package names, and so on.

So, an installation might look something like this:


In the source code, the bindings and any supporting C++ code is entirely contained within the subproject, except for a minimal skeleton to handle compile time options and so on. This can be more work than a single heterogeneous project in some ways, less work in others, but overall I think it has more maintenance benefits. Importantly, it keeps any new issues or volatility as far away from the C library as possible, making it easy to see if a change could possibly break the ABI or the C library at all, for example.

This scheme may be extended to other languages if that's appropriate. The naming scheme for Python is like python-dostuff. It probably makes more sense to maintain Cython wrappers as separate projects maintained in the Python way (sigh...), but the whole point of a naming scheme is to have space for things in case you need them. In reality, language bindings are usually done independently by other people in separate projects (Rust folks will use Cargo in a separate repository, and so on).

All of this is, obviously, a massively over-thought bikeshed, but adding multiple programming languages and multiple versioning and compatibility schemes/philosophies to a project is a bit tricky. I can't just copy from an existing best-practice pattern I've been honing for years like I can with straight C libraries. This approach seems like it shouldn't cause too much trouble, though.

That said, I'm just making this up as I go along and have no experience maintaining anything quite like this (only more or less homogeneous C or C++ libraries), so feedback is, as always, welcome. I may revise this post if anything turns out to be a mistake, so it can ultimately serve as a reference for the next person trying to figure out how to do "C family" source code releases right.