Ganv 1.6.0 ⋅Ganv 1.6.0 has been released. Ganv is an interactive Gtk canvas widget for graph-based interfaces (patchers, modular synthesizers, finite state automata, interactive graphs, etc). For more information, see
- Add API to specify module port order.
- Add support for PDF and PS export.
- Add support for beveled box corners.
- Add support for edges that do not constrain the layout.
- Dampen sprung layout energy over time to prevent oscillation.
- Distinguish edge color from port color slighly.
- Fix compilation with --no-fdgl (patch from Vlad Glagolev).
- Fix crash when destroying canvas.
- Fix port position on modules with embedded widgets.
- Fix positioning of embedded widgets when changing layout.
- Fix size of vertical flow modules.
- Fix unexpected node jumping when dragging new connections.
- Fix various minor visual alignment/sizing issues.
- Highlight connected edges on port hover.
- Improve appearance of graphs with circle nodes.
- Improve text rendering at high zoom.
- Improve update performance.
- Preserve selection for quickly making several connections.
- Upgrade to waf 2.0.19