Sord 0.10.0
Posted on in Software, RDF, SordSord 0.10.0 has been released. Sord is a lightweight C library for storing RDF statements in memory. For more information, see
- Add error callback to world for custom error reporting
- Add option to build utilities as static binaries
- Do not require a C++ compiler to build
- Fix various hyper-strict warnings
- Make all 'zix' symbols private to avoid symbol clashes in static builds
- Performance and space (per node) improvements
- Remove problematic "Loaded n statements" output from serdi
- SSE4.2 accelerated hashing for node interning, where available
- Strip down API documentation to a single clean page
- Upgrade to waf 1.7.2
- sordmm.hpp: Add indices and graphs parameters to Model constructor
- sordmm.hpp: Correctly handle Sord::Node self-assignment
- sordmm.hpp: Remove overzealous URI scheme assertion